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Showing posts from September, 2009

Fever Night - the Movie

Hello my twisted toadies. I know my posts have been few and far between as of late. We are undergoing some business restructuring, but the pure and simple fact is that between my anemia and my barely being able to go out at all during the daytime (as it makes me ill) are resulting in some down time. However, my sick and evil friends over at Bad People Productions are having a premier showing of their movie, Fever Night AKA Band of Satanic Outsiders , in San Francisco, California on the 10th of September. I told them I would let you all know. So... here is the link:

Interview: Marc Fratto, Filmmaker Zombie s Anonymous

Marc Fratto is one very focused guy. He has been a classic pianist for 30 years, a dedicated martial artist, and currently works as a director for a business news show in NYC. He not only produces his films, but also writes them and has a music and production studio all for Insane-O-Rama Productions. He is the kind of person that should be on the motivational and life coach circuit instead of some of these hacks out there. Marc had already one film under his belt before Zombies Anonymous , and another in the works afterward. If you read the review of Zombies Anonymous I wrote you will also know it is one of my favourite zombie movies, and with good reason. Marc Fratto is talented, and I can't wait to see what he comes up with next. Even with all he has going on Marc was nice enough to do an interview for all of my readers here at "The Lair." Make sure to check out the link at the end of the interview, my mischievous minions. Lili's Lair: What sparked your interest i...

Movie Review: Zombies Anonymous

ZA: Zombies Anonymous 2005, NR In an imagined reality where zombies coexist with ordinary mortal folk, the undead are considered second-class citizens. Angela (Gina Ramsden) finds this out the hard way when she's shot by her boyfriend and must learn to adjust to her new zombie lifestyle. She tempers her hunger for human flesh with Zombies Anonymous meetings and tries to pass for living in the mortal world. Joshua Nelson co-stars in Marc Fratto's tongue-in-rotted-cheek satire. (Thank you Netflix for this synopsis) What happens when the news agencies begin to report that the newly dead are simply just not dieing? I'm sure we can all come up with some gruesome scenarios right? This movie is a bit... different . The newly dead are confused; they don't understand why they are not, well, dead. They are the same as they ever were. Except that their flesh is rotting and oozing goop. What's a poor newly un-dead to do when trying to "pretend" they are still amongst ...