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Showing posts from October, 2009

Interview/Review: Filmmakers , Fever Night

[ Disclaimer: this post is rated R for some nudity and bad fucking language. ] And now for something completely different. This little piece of weirdness is a cross between a movie review and an interview, but not one of my typical interviews. It's a video interview-kinda-weird-bastard-child-thing-a-ma-jig. Hmmm... For once I'm speechless, so just move along and read, and watch the bloody thing, my creepy little creatures. Fever Night Aka Band of Satanic Outsiders has to be one of the most WTF (in a good way) kind of movies out there at the moment. It's acid horror at its best, reminiscent of a Dario Argento, Susperia-type movie. It's the perfect example as to why you should never listen to the friend who says: "Hey - let's go into the spooky woods that have a bad rep, practice some satanic ritual using 'substitute' ingredients, raise the Devil, and try to get away in that piece-of-shit auto we know is going to die on us. Sound cool?" Then, as o

Interview: Michelle Belanger

Do vampires really exist? If you ask Michelle Belanger you would hear a resounding "Yes." You see Michelle is a real vampire. A "psi-vampire" to be more specific. She is the founder of House Kheperu, noted occult author, singer, frequent guest on the television show Paranormal State , and she lectures around the country. Michelle took time out of her busy schedule to do an interview with us here at the Lair. Oh, and by the way: she is a very real, intelligent, and cool person to have a conversation with. Michelle is a five star personality to say the least, and I hope to feature her again here at the Lair. Lili's Lair: Michelle, You consider yourself a psi-vampire. Could you please explain what that is, and what that means to you on a personal level? Michelle Belanger: A psychic vampire is a person who needs to regularly and actively take human vital energy in order to maintain their mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Psychic vampires are psychic, in

Interview: Nathan Head, Mark Macready and the Archangel Murders

Nathan Head is not just another actor. His outside interests run deep, obscure, and intellectual. Nathan is the quality-type character actor who could easily pull off playing Sir Anthony Hopkins' role of Hannibal Lecter in The Silence of the Lambs , or any A-list cast character actor's part for that matter . The mainstream film industry in my opinion needs to stop casting no-talent A-list actors who make millions for no good reason , and turn to undiscovered talent like Nathan who, if given the right script, would be a definite box office draw. Nathan Head is one of the actors from Manchester UK's own horror movie phenomenon Mark Mark Macready and the Archangel Murders . He is also one cool guy, and one hot talent. Make sure to visit Nathan's personal website after the interview, my minions; and if you happen to bump into him some foggy night, go buy him an ice cream and have a chat about the Lost City of Atlantis. Lili's Lair: What was your driving force in becom

Interview: Gina Ramsden, Zombies Anonymous

Classically- trained Gina Ramsden has been in the "industry" since she was 11, and she not only acts but is a dancer as well. She is much more than the two-dimensional characters she has portrayed over the years. She is humble, funny, and very passionate about any endeavour she gets involved with. Gina and I had a lovely chat last week, and if my respect for her acting abilities was not enough, my respect for her as a human being rose like cream to the top. Although Gina is currently working on other projects at the moment which do not involve the film industry, I still stand behind the statement I made in the review of the movie Zombies Anonymous : Gina has more talent in her little pinky than most A-list actresses have in their entire plastic-and-silicon bodies. Gina deserves to be cast in a well written, major motion picture. Oh, and by the way, minions: When the Zombie Apocalypse does happen, I am going to make sure my little band of survivors heads over to rescue Gina,

Interview: Entities-R-Us Creator Terri J. Garofolo

With a bio so complete on her Entities-R-Us site, I thought to meself: " What the bloody hell am I going to ask Terri J. Garofalo that she hasn't already answered herself ?" Well, after fixing a cuppa and taking a few appreciative sips of me Barry's proper Irish tea, the thought dawned on me: Don't ask her anything she's already answered herself. DUH. See, me granny always said a cuppa fixes everything. With this being October, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to add this little interview to my spooky melting pot, and Terri was considerate enough to agree. So, my maggoty minions, enjoy the interview, and then visit Entities-R-Us to read all the cool stuff. Lili's Lair: Terry, could you please give the readers here at the Lair a little bio on each of the characters in your Entities-R-Us comic strip? Terri J. Garofalo: Arno Alkaloid: Team Leader/Founder of Entities-R-Us, Ghost Hunters. He is a paranormal junkie of sorts, very interested in unco

Interview: Ashleigh Edwards Pitt, Mark Macready and the Archangel Murders

Ashleigh Edwards Pitt was fortunate enough to work with some amazin g people in a brilliant horror/comedy called Mark Macready and the Archangel Murders . Ashleigh plays Friday the daemon-ette who helps Macready land the murderous daemon dubbed "The Archangel." I have had the pleasure of interviewing several of the cast and crew from Macready here at the Lair, and I am happy that I get to add one more of its terrific cast to my roster. You can check out my review of the movie and interviews at the end of this article, along with a few Mark Macready and the Archangel Murders movie links. Lili's Lair: Why acting? Why not another profession? Ashleigh Edwards Pitt: I’m the sort of person who gets bored very easily and within the acting profession every role and every rehearsal is different. You can’t predict it. Acting is my life and I couldn’t function without it. Anyone who acts will know that nothing can compare to how you feel performing live on stage or watching back

Interview : Douglas Clegg

Douglas Clegg is the author of many horror and dark fantasy novels, several having landed on the New York Times Bestsellers List. His new book, Isis , is a great read that will simultaneously give you the creeps and tug at your heart strings. Isis not only has its own website, but also a fun game to play as well. Yes, I have played it and the illustrations are beautiful. Douglas Clegg is a true renaissance man with many other talents besides writing. You can find out all about Douglas on his web site . Not only is Douglas Clegg a brilliant writer, but one of the things I admire most about him is the fact that he makes himself extremely accessible to his fans. Not many New York Times Bestselling authors can boast of such a thing. He is a gracious man, the kind of person you would like to have over to chat over tea and a couple of scones. So my fiendish followers, after reading this interview I suggest you visit Douglas Clegg's links, and go out and pick yourself up a copy of Isis .

Interview : Witching Hour U.K.

Witching Hour UK is one of my favourite bands, and I was fortunate enough to have Trevor Barnes agree to an interview. With their tenebrous sound they set the mood for a picture-perfect picnic in your favourite cemetery. Lili's Lair: When did you decide to form Witching Hour U.K. ? Witching Hour U.K.: We formed back in 1991, with myself on vocals and guitar, Alys on bass and a chap called DB on keyboards. It's just Alys and me now. Lili's Lair: Did you start the band knowing straight away it was going to be a goth band? Witching Hour U.K.: Absolutely. I had tried previously (several times) to get a goth band started, but Witching Hour was the first serious and successful effort. Lili's Lair: When did you both begin playing instruments? Witching Hour U.K.: I started playing guitar when I was 12 years old and Alys started bass just after she moved here in 1989. She had played Violin as a kid, so the bass was a natural progression. I only seriously started writing so