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Showing posts from July, 2018

The A to Zed Of Things: A is for A Nightmare On Elm Street

Created by Wes Craven in 1984, A Nightmare On Elm Street is not only considered a quintessential watch by horror fans worldwide, it also stars one of the most recognizable bad guys in the genre: Freddy Kruger. If his visage didn't instantly pop into your head, my acrid acolytes, you must've been living in a cave since the seventies! There are nine movies in the franchise, including a crossover with Friday the 13th  and a re-boot of the original in 2010. There are rumours that New Line Cinema will be doing another re-boot for 2019, but no official statement has been released. A Nightmare On Elm Street franchise doesn't just end with movies, however. There are comics, its own series of novels, appearances in compilations, and short stories. The character of Freddy Kruger has become so popular, in fact, that it spawned a short-lived television series staring Robert Englund as Freddy himself, aptly named Freddy's Nightmares . It had 44 episodes and ran from 1988 to 199...

Tiny Tidbits and Juicy Morsels: Terminator, IT 2, Captain Marvel

Tiny Tidbits and Juicy Morsels is a new series of, well, tiny bits of juicy news and gossip. This news series is for those of us who just don't like, care enough, or want to read a whole article on the ins and outs, whats and wheres, or whos and whys of entertainment news. Who's got the time to consume all that anyway?! The news from the crypt : Terminator James Cameron is back, minions, to give us another Terminator movie. He's teamed up with Paramount Pictures and Skydance Media. Cameron - as well as Tim Miller, David Ellison, Gale Anne Hurd - created the new story, with screenplay written by Billy Ray, David S. Goyer, Josh Friedman, Justin Rhodes. Linda Hamilton and Arnold Schwarzenegger will be back, and the movie will feature Gabriel Luna from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D as the new terminator. Additional cast includes Mackenzie Davis and Diego Boneta. Their roles are unknown to the public at this point. Paramount Pictures has set a release date for 22 November 2...

Movie Review: Ravenous

The IMDB description of Ravenous (the English name for the Canadian film   Les Affamés )  reads: "In a small, remote village in upstate Quebec, things have changed. Locals are not the same anymore - their bodies are breaking down and they have turned against their loved ones. A handful of survivors goes hiding into the woods, looking for others like them." So, one more movie I almost didn't watch because its description is so boring. But don't let the description fool you, minions. Although Ravenous is not your typical high-energy, ripping guts out, characters more concerned about having sex than surviving film, it is totally worth the watch if you love end of the world-type movies. Ravenous is a bit of a slow burn, and feels like every scene is painstakingly deliberate in it's delivery, but in a good way. Getting through the first five to seven minutes is a bit tough, but well worth it. The zombies are not your typical zombies. They don't particular...

Movie Review: The Bye Bye Man

Recently, my malevolent malcontents, I've had the pleasure of watching a few movies that not only disturbed me, but also infected my dreams with their malicious splendor. T he Bye Bye Man (I hate to even write the title for fear of summoning him!) is one of them. Feeding into my phobia of the utterance of a name multiple times and viral propagation of said evil deed, this movie delivers that super-creepy unease you get when you know something is going terribly wrong, and you're certain it's not going to stop until the whole world is infected. The Bye Bye Man is a film in the same vein as The Ring and Pulse,  with a dose of the Bloody Mary urban legend, and a bit of Candy Man thrown in for good measure. The Bye Bye Man was directed by Stacy Title and written by Jonathan Penner. It was based on the chapter "The Bridge to Body Island" from the book The President's Vampire by Robert Damon Schneck. It stars Douglas Smith as Elliot, Lucien Laviscount as Joh...