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Showing posts from April, 2020

Interview: Ted Nicolaou

Greetings misanthropic minions, it's another day of living through the pandemic. So, I thought I'd be nice and entertain you all. There was a lot going on at the lair for the last couple of years that interfered greatly with my posts. Thing's have finally cleared up for the most part, well, except for the current global situation. I thought that as long as the earth hasn't split open, and swallowed me whole I should start things back up. Beginning with a couple of interviews I did, and didn't get posted. It's an audio interview so make sure you have your sound on. I'm NOT a video editor nor do I wish to be, so don't be too hard on me. The first of these is an interview with horror legend Ted Nicolaou. It was very cool to talk to him. I'm a big Subspecies fan so it was extra - special to me. Be safe minions and I hope you enjoy the interview!