Ministry of Zombies - The Official Zombie Handbook (UK) begins its introduction with this paragraph:
"This book is about survival. It's about staying alive when all about you have turned into bloodthirsty ghouls. It's about equipping you with the knowledge, skills and techniques to say - I will survive the coming zombie apocalypse and will not become an easy snack for the teeming dead." What I found after reading this book, my fiends, is this: Sean Page has created something much more than a zombie handbook for the UK. If you pull out all of the zombie references, you also have one hell of a start to a great, "general purpose" survival guide, from how to get your house stocked with supplies (including what kind of supplies) to how and when to bug out to a new location if needed.
Sean has even gone into detail about what public locations are safe and unsafe and why. This book is a great asset to anyone's library who is concerned with surviving any co...