I know what you're thinking, minions: This isn't a "typical" Lili's Lair post. Ah, but that is where you will be mistaken. You see, the following interview victim inadvertently fell into me lap, so to speak. It's just like six degrees of separation . Let me explain. You should all know by now that E.E. Knight is one of my all-time favourite authors. Well, Kyle Cassidy was given credit for a couple of photos I posted for my E.E. Knight interview. I then noticed traffic coming from Kyle Cassidy's Live Journal, so I went to see what was up. I read through the page and noticed some comment about Gothic Beauty Magazine, and Kyle's comment about how Wednesday Mourning was his favourite goth model. (Keep following my whirling dervishes.) That is how I found out about Wednesday Mourning. After my interview with Wednesday, I asked Kyle if he ever photographed goths. Of course, duh me, I had already been to his site and looked at all his stuff so I already kne...