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Showing posts from May, 2018

Indie Talent Feature & Interview: Matt Hayward

The month of May at the Lair has been dedicated to some wicked indie talent. From music to movie makers, and now to my second creepy author of the month, Matt Hayward, who's work has been nominated for a Bram Stoker Award and garnered a nomination from Penguin Books for short story of the year, 2017. Not only is Matt one busy boy who's written or is writing a plethora of tales, but he's also a professional musician. The latest album from his band, Lace Weeper, entitled As The Crow Flies , features  Chad Channing  of Nirvana and Before Cars. Pretty wicked, my minions, especially since Nirvana inspired Matt as a teen. (You can read that in the interview, I'll sew my mouth closed now. No more spoilers, I promise.) As busy as Matt is (he's a newlywed, to boot!) he found enough time for an interview and gave us a bio to read. So, without further ado my malcontents, read on: Lili's Lair: Why do you write? Matt Hayward:  Because I’d make a piss-poor salesma...

Interview: Filmmaker, Alex Haughey & Movie Review: Prodigy

Over the past two weeks, I've featured indie talent worth listening to and worth reading. This week, it's something worth watching. My find is a film: Prodigy . Written and Directed by Alex Haughey and Brian Vidal, and starring Richard Neil, Savannah Liles, Jolene Andersen, Emilio Palame, and David Linski, it's a thriller (with a little sci-fi thrown in) about a girl who may or may not be the most dangerous person in the world. Well, the government thinks so, anyway. Read on for my review of the film, Prodigy . The opening was a nicely done little prologue introducing you to some key background people of the film without giving away the film's content. It left me wondering "What's the deal?" and wanting to know more. The ongoing exchange between Savannah Liles character, Ellie, and Richard Neil's Dr. James Fonda was cleverly written. This, coupled with the chemistry between the two actors, allowed them to play off each other well. This, in turn...

Indie Talent Feature : Isaac Thorne

Welcome to this week's feature, my accursed acolytes! Last week. I featured indie talent worth listening to. This week. it's someone not only worth listening to, but also worth reading. This week's find is a storyteller for you to discover: Isaac Thorne. His narratives are a must-listen, and his stories are not only a darkly delicious read, but have also been made into award-winning film shorts. Give Isaac a listen, and a read. You won't be disappointed, minions. Check out Isaac Thorne's bio and his links: "Isaac writes the kind of stories he writes because he finds them funny, gross, and horrific, all of which appeals to his–shall we say–underdeveloped maturity. Rest assured that even though his work might not fit the sensibilities of some readers, he truly means no harm nor offense. In addition to Isaac's written works, he hosts two programs on SCRM Radio, a horror-centric internet radio station. THORNE'S THEATER OF TERROR features Isaac...

Indie Talent Feature : Dr. Snik

Welcome, perusers of the putrid! I have a special month planned. Throughout the month of May, I will be featuring indie talent worth watching, reading, or - as in this particular post's case - listening to. That's right, minions, I have found a creepy cool musician for you to try out: Dr. Snik. Trust me when I tell you these songs are a must-have for any spooky Halloween party, or. if you're like me, just as a nice addition to the creeptastic music I listen to every night in my crypt. (I particularly like "March Of The Dead," but then I may be biased: some of my closest friends are zombies.) Check out Dr. Snik's bio and his links: Bio "Dr. Snik has risen from the grave in Toronto, Ontario, Canada to bring you spooky grooves from the Other World. A collection of original psychedelic/horror/pop-punk/trance songs/soundscapes influenced by Radiohead/Pink Floyd/Alice Cooper. These songs are born out of many places such as The Pits of Hell, The Re...