His new book, Isis, is a great read that will simultaneously give you the creeps and tug at your heart strings. Isis not only has its own website, but also a fun game to play as well. Yes, I have played it and the illustrations are beautiful.
Douglas Clegg is a true renaissance man with many other talents besides writing. You can find out all about Douglas on his web site.
Not only is Douglas Clegg a brilliant writer, but one of the things I admire most about him is the fact that he makes himself extremely accessible to his fans. Not many New York Times Bestselling authors can boast of such a thing. He is a gracious man, the kind of person you would like to have over to chat over tea and a couple of scones.
So my fiendish followers, after reading this interview I suggest you visit Douglas Clegg's links, and go out and pick yourself up a copy of Isis.
- Lili's Lair: How did you happen upon the realization that you wanted to become a writer?

Lili's Lair: Was there anyone whom you admired that you feel inspired you?
Douglas Clegg: Any writer whose work I've loved has inspired me, but no one in particular. Studying literature in high school and college helped a lot -- because teachers nudged me toward a wider view of the world through reading.
Lili's Lair: Why horror/suspense?
Douglas Clegg: Because I enjoy it, and my imagination tends toward the fantastic -- I love supernatural stories more than any other kind.
Lili's Lair: Is there any other genre you would like to write?
Douglas Clegg: If there are, I'll find out when a story occurs. I don't limit myself to a genre, but I do write what I feel a story requires.
Lili's Lair: Where do you get your stories ideas from?

Lili's Lair: The characters in your stories are very intense. Where do you draw your inspiration from when creating such multidimensional characters?
Douglas Clegg: Again, life. I spend my life observing and dissecting human nature, and I hope I bring it into my stories. I usually can't write a story until I actually see the character I've created in my mind as if he or she is a real person.
Lili's Lair: How did the idea form for creating a game to coincide with your new book Isis?
Douglas Clegg: I wish I could claim credit for that. My friend Matthew Schwartz of Shocklines.com and I were talking one day. He had seen the early illustrations for the book and suggested the game. He put me in touch with Adam Schroeder, who made and distributed the game. Then, my publisher saw the possibilities in it, so it was a go. As of today, the game has been played 1.8 million times by more than 1.6 million people.
Lili's Lair: Can you tell us about your new book Isis. The concept, creation, illustrations and such?

Lili's Lair: Do you feel growing up in New England influenced your writing?
Douglas Clegg: I didn't grow up in New England, but I did spend a good part of my childhood there in a formative way and I live there now. I grew up in the South, and have lived in California, Connecticut, Virginia, and even Hawaii. I also traveled to Europe and Mexico a bit when I was young, and all of these places have influenced my writing.
Lili's Lair: What's next, now that Isis is out?
Douglas Clegg: My next book comes out in April. It's a southern gothic tale of childhood games and family secrets -- two of my favorite themes. It's called Neverland.
Douglas Clegg
Isis Game
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