Ashleigh Edwards Pitt was fortunate enough to work with some amazing people in a brilliant horror/comedy called Mark Macready and the Archangel Murders. Ashleigh plays Friday the daemon-ette who helps Macready land the murderous daemon dubbed "The Archangel."
I have had the pleasure of interviewing several of the cast and crew from Macready here at the Lair, and I am happy that I get to add one more of its terrific cast to my roster. You can check out my review of the movie and interviews at the end of this article, along with a few Mark Macready and the Archangel Murders movie links.
Interview: Ryan McDermott
Interview: Paul Newbery
Interview: Scott Benzie
Visit to order your very own DVD and to have a look-see at all things Macready.
Facebook Fan Page Mark Macready and the Archangel Murders
Ashleigh's Website
I have had the pleasure of interviewing several of the cast and crew from Macready here at the Lair, and I am happy that I get to add one more of its terrific cast to my roster. You can check out my review of the movie and interviews at the end of this article, along with a few Mark Macready and the Archangel Murders movie links.
- Lili's Lair: Why acting? Why not another profession?
Ashleigh Edwards Pitt: I’m the sort of person who gets bored very easily and within the acting profession every role and every rehearsal is different. You can’t predict it. Acting is my life and I couldn’t function without it. Anyone who acts will know that nothing can compare to how you feel performing live on stage or watching back something that you have created. It’s as if you enjoy becoming someone else and feeling that their emotions are yours, so I guess that’s why I’m an actress, I enjoy creating and entertaining.
Lili's Lair: If you had to choose another profession what would it be and why?
Ashleigh Edwards Pitt: Although acting is the only profession that has excited and intrigued me, If I had to choose another career it would be in Animal Care. I’m incredibly passionate about animals, I love them, but I don’t think I could stick needles in them and I suppose that’s why I chose acting.
Lili's Lair: How did you get involved with the making of Mark Macready and the Archangel Murders?
- Ashleigh Edwards Pitt: I’d applied for a completely different part in Mark Macready quite a long time before I heard back from Ryan. Apparently my CV was sat on his desk for about 6 months, circled as a possible cast member. Unfortunately he never got around to finding me a place on the first round of shooting and then when the original actress couldn’t come back he remembered my face and met with me. We read the script and then I was cast. I suppose casting me changed the role completely in the space of a week. The film was heading in a different direction and with me on board it headed further away from what was originally a film noir scene, it became an action packed dialogue driven exposition scene that would add a whole new level to the pace of the film.
Lili's Lair: What was the most difficult aspect of playing Friday in the film?
Ashleigh Edwards Pitt: I think the hardest thing about playing Friday was that I wasn’t the first person to play her as another actress had shot the scene before me, however it was more of a film noir scene that didn’t fit with the reshoots that was taking place, so I had to add my own stamp on the character. Which I think I did when I first met Ryan, what we read at the table read was very different to what he presented me with on set. Ryan said I added a element of feist to the character and that was written in, it also became clear that I was a demon, which was only alluded to in the script. My version of Friday was a whole new character and I had to make sure that my version was the right one for the film. It was also tough balancing my characters loyalties, although she’s perhaps a “baddy” she does aid Macready and I had to ensure that came across convincingly enough to audience.
Lili's Lair: Do you find it more demanding when doing a short than a full length movie?
Ashleigh Edwards Pitt: No, shorts are usually much more fun, more personal. Especially on independent shorts, you really get to know everyone and bond so well. Your all there to do a job but learn from each other so it’s not really demanding, the filming itself can of course always takes its toll, it’s long hours but I find doing a short film is much more personal and your usually on that set because you believe wholeheartedly in the material.
Lili's Lair: What was the most memorable moment for you personally in the making of Mark Macready and the Archangel Murders?
Ashleigh Edwards Pitt: It would have to be filming the secret scene at the end of the film. Only about six people knew about it and we all had to keep it very very ‘hush hush’ from leaking. We filmed the final scene early this year, it was the last thing to be shot and it was filmed in the pitch black night, under a train bridge. The fact that the only lights were headlights from the cars gave us all the sense that someone or something was watching and that helped me become emotionally attached to how Friday would’ve felt. It was amazing to see everyone’s reaction to the scene at the premiere. The scene gave my character another twist which is brilliant for discovering more about her, we revel that she is working with the baddies and the information she gave Mac earlier in the film was planted... but again was it? Did she give him too much information, even I’m not sure only Ryan, Sean and Paul know where Friday’s true loyalties lie and it’s something I hope to explore in the future.
Lili's Lair: What projects have you been doing since finishing Mark Macready and the Archangel Murders?
Ashleigh Edwards Pitt: I have worked on Chris Lumb’s comedy feature film Tuck Bushman and the Legend on Piddledown as a short comedic role. I actually met Chris on the set of The Archangel Murders so it was nice to team up with him on his film. Before and after playing the role of Friday I have appeared in several short films, provided voice over work and took part in modeling shoots.
Lili's Lair: What would you like to work on next?
Ashleigh Edwards Pitt: I would like to work on more films and continue acting on stage, TV roles would also be interesting and I’d love to carry on working alongside CM Films, as before they made The Archangel Murders they were known for th eir more comedic films so if they return to those I’d love to appear! I’d also like to see the character of Friday expanded, I know that they are discussing turning Macready into a feature film so I’m looking forward to seeing where my character will end up.
Interview: Ryan McDermott
Interview: Paul Newbery
Interview: Scott Benzie
Visit to order your very own DVD and to have a look-see at all things Macready.
Facebook Fan Page Mark Macready and the Archangel Murders
Ashleigh's Website
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